Monday, March 1, 2010

The Outsiders

We have been working on The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton for some time now. The students enjoy the book because many of them can relate to the story being a teenager in a rural setting. Beginning the story way back in January we started off slow and read and discussed 1-2 chapters a week, starting with 1-4. After we covered 1-4 is when I believe the students had gained enough knowledge of character and we moved at a faster pace.

To help the students get through more of the book I read a portion of each chapter out loud and we were covering between a chapter and a chapter and half a day.

2 lessons I developed for the Unit was a Bio Poem and a Question Writing activity.

Bio Poem Activity I love poetry and I know not all students share a love of writing like I do. I thought the Bio Poem Activity would be a good exercise for students to do to break up some of the monotony. This was a good way for them to show what they learned about character.

Question Writing Activity After the mid-book test (chpt 5-9) I decided I wanted the students to do a question writing activity. We started off the lesson discussing the test they had just taken. "Did they think this test was easier than the first?" I started by asking them if they were writing a test what would they want to see on it? I opened with the fact the students would not being partaking in daily vocab, rather they would be answering questions (their own questions).

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

What day is it again?

I have been trying to back log my entries I have in this shabby notebook I have been carrying around since day 1. I will give props to my pals from Mark's methods class. I didn't really think about a blog until I noticed theirs come across Facebook. Great idea. It just hasn't been easy to take the time to catch up after being a little on the behind side. But enough about that.

Today I had my first university supervisor visit. Wait I should clarify. Today was the first OBSERVATION. Scary word. Boy was I nervous, I have been told that I keep puting to much weight on myself. I can see it too. I keep making this be the make it our break it moment. I never really give myself a break. I have been hanging tough in CLBMS this long and god-willing I will make it the rest of the way.

My supervisor said that I am long winded with as much as I write. He says there is only needed 4 things.

What I did.
What worked.
What didn't work.
And then something that pertains to the practice of discipline.

I find it difficult to cut myself that short. But I am going to give it my all.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 6...And here we go again.

I relaxed during the weekend. Maybe a little too much. Honestly, I think a little too much. I have mad respect for my cooperating teacher. I said that if there were more ends to a candle she would be burning them all. It is unfortunate she only have 2 ends to burn. I went home everyday just...exhausted.

We are actually start getting into The Outsiders this week.

Today we talked about Vocabulary. I was a little stoked to see how she did vocab. I know that I am not a teacher for direct instruction but it is definitely the way it needs to go in the 8th grade. I am not planning to be some happy puppet on the string and then on the other hand I don't think a different method of instruction will help these kids. I guess I am just going to try and go the direct approach and occaisionally add a little "Liza" to things to keep everything fresh. I wouldn't want to change things up, then when I am gone in 11 weeks have the kids hanging in the wind.

We discussed context clues and the difference between inferential context clues and direct context clues. I enjoy when we get down to the "bare bones" language stuff. I am learning that my expectations of the students are a little more "lofty" for that of an 8th grader. I am going to have to pull back a bit.

Stereotypes was a discussion in one of the groups. Was S.E. Hinton a girl or a boy? Some students said boy. When asked, "Why?" They went on to say because she is writing about a boy oh and my favorite was because she wrote with S.E. as a name. As I already have implied by saying "she" the students found out that the author of The Outsiders was a girl. I contributed later that S.E. Hinton was not the only girl that wrote about boys and used their initials as their author name. Who else can you think of? Harry Potter's author of course! J.K. Rowling.

I never would have expected the need for so much review but the students definitely benefit from the repetition.

I meet with my university supervisor tomorrow. Very nervous.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 5... I am still alive

Yes that is me. Dr. Suess: 5, alive, survive, and heck I may go as far as saying I thrived.
I have so far just been jumping in and helping the students when they raise their hand. I also have been circulating like a warden making sure they are working. I hate that reference but all I need are the jangling keys and I feel like I fit the part. It works with these kids though. They need someone making sure they are working or... well... unfortunately...they won't.

I also have been reading outloud to the kids. Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli. This is a little difficult for me coming into the class after they already started so I still have a bookmark where the kids are and one for where I am. I tend to read from the start to where they are, but with all my difficulties and everything I am still a few pages behind the class. I guess I am reading behind and ahead. I take my 30 minute lunch to go ahead of where the kids are in the story so I will be able to read it better.

I have been practicing on pausing and repetition. I have been told I go fast and I have always been aware of my speed. I am a hummingbird when I am nervous. Very speedy. So on everything I am writing I place the words Remember to Breath as a little FYI for myself.

At the end of the day I was told that goals for next week is vocabulary and doing more with the A.R. (which will be a refresher.) I have a meeting with my university supervisor for next week. I always get a little nervous when meeting a person for the first time. At the end of the day I was really happy to hear that I did okay for the first week and things will continue to get more comfortable for me in the matters of being in front of the kids. But that is next week.

Tonight I am going to celebrate the end of week #1

I survived.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 4

The students are still working on YouTube video clip reflections. Since The Outsiders is set in the 60s-Mrs. E had some Anti-War clips. These were sampled from the TV mini-series The 60s.

It was fun watching the kids making connections with the term flower power to when a protester popped a daisy in the barrel of a gun. They watched a student made documentary of the Kent State Riots of 1970 and it amazed them how soldiers would shoot lethal ammunition into a crowd of students. The kids had to write a reflection on how this event changed history. Some students took notes and others had to watch it again. I noticed how Mrs. E decided to re-work her strategy for Blocks2-4 based on the understanding observed in Block 1. As Block 2 ended she adjusted for Block3 and this continued through out the day.

I forgot to tell you all, I am now reading out loud to the class. "Easing me in" is the thought. Yesterday was the first day of it. Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli, I recognize the work since we did Maniac Magee in Developmental Reading in the middle school classroom. Never read the book until now. I have a marker at the spot that the kids are at in their reading and then I have a spot that I am at. I wonder if I am ever going to be able to catch up before the end of the book.

Today I got back up there a little nervous. I am used to reading in front of people. Nothing new there. I think it is the idea that these 12 weeks ahead of me are the make or break. I never let it out to Mrs. E that I have a problem reading. After consulting with others I was going to keep my LDs to myself. I have been told by people in higher power that it is silly that an English major has a hard time reading. I think I may be a masochist, but I love books. Stories taking me out of the moment. It is like with a really good book I forget about what is going on around me and I am lost in the pages. I typically read out loud so I am able to understand what is going on better. Otherwise if I read silently I read the same passage over and over.

Stargirl and The Outsiders are on my nightstand by the bed. I have read The Outsiders oh I think this is time #4. Just trying to be totally aware. I am still on the sidelines just in a desk right now.

My university supervisor is looking at coming to see me next week. I am feeling those jackhammer butterflies again.

Until Tomorrow


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 3...a desk.

Day 3 started with talk of a desk.

Thinking I am going to make it after all. The idea of a desk in the room gives me the feeling of actually belonging.

So the 60s with the glory of YouTube has introduced kids to the TV show you may only find on TVLand otherwise extremely late at night. It was great getting to witness the connections. My "grandma watched shows older than this" or "is that Clint Eastwood" my favorite was "man these are old." I remember watching these shoes when I was a little girl. Granted I was watching re-runs too. Timeless Classics.

With the use of the 60s and multiple formats of exposure-students are understanding the characterization and setting they will encounter in The Outsiders.

After lunch a couple of the male faculty helped wrangle a desk from another room. It was like Christmas, well in January. I sat in the chair open the desk to find it was loaded. I had the CLBS handbook and extensions. There was supplies if I was lacking in anything. And if I didn't know something I sure could call someone that would.

I am not so keen on being called Miss Drellack. I know I know, teachers are called Miss. I enjoyed when this girl decided when she couldn't say my last name...I am now Miss D. Not bad.

I am still sitting on the sidelines and enjoying the show. I look forward to whatever tomorrow may bring.

I stayed after to attend a literature circle prep meeting. I don't think I am going to be attending the circles. Getting warm fuzzy feelings from the not without a book club. There was good info on reciprical teaching. I need to remember to photo copy the binder another time.

Until Tomorrow


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 2...hmmm

Well yesterday the students started the 60s but they still had if you want to call it "leftovers" from the prior story Retrived Reformation. So the students did end up taking a quiz in 3 of the 4 blocks because they hadn't turned in most of their work. Simple multiple choice quiz that came with the text. Today those kids that weren't at school on my first day were subject to me. I got to administer the quiz today to students in the hallway. Some of the girls were chatty trying to get to stay out in the hall longer then they should. I have started to feel comfortable enough to atleast approach the kids.

What is a little difficult is still getting over the fear. I am constantly getting told how bad it is here from people around me. I am already scared enough the way it is. I hate getting reminded.

I am still on the sidelines. I know I will be off the bench before I know it so I need to shake off all the fear and kick the butterflies to the curb. So far I am just getting the kids names down and I am getting pretty good at that.

Until tomorrow.